PMP: Macroprocessor
This is homepage of general-purpose macro processor for Java 1.5.
PMP is macro processor based on m4.
Supported features include:
- conditional evaluation
- file inclusion
- string manipulation
- arithmetic evaluation
- arbitrary number of user-defined formats of comments and character strings
- lexical rules defined by user-definer regular expressions
- configuration (macro list) export/import (using XML files)
- macros for executing Java code
- task for Apache Ant
pmp.jar (md5 checksum)
source codes
basic documantation
documentation (in Czech)
Ant Task
Manual page for PMP ant-task is here
My email is
Please change {at} to @
and {dot} to .
CVS access
To checkout latest version use:
cvs -z6 co pmp
Use Ant to compile downloaded sources and create jar archive.